Sample Coaching Client Forms

The following coaching contract and forms are being made available only as a sample agreement for consideration by you in developing a contract or intake form that represents your particular coaching and legal relationship(s) with your client(s). It is intended to serve as a reference or guide only.  Once you have drafted your version, it is strongly recommended that you review the draft form with your legal counsel for any additional input and consideration of the applicability of the ICF Code of Ethics to the proposed relationship. Positive Acorn is making this sample coaching agreement available “AS IS” without any warranties or representatives as to its suitability or use for any particular purpose.

Positive Acorn specifically disclaims any and all liability or responsibility for any claims, actions, losses, injuries of any kind or nature, or damages to person or property arising out of or resulting from your voluntary decision to make use of this sample document or any variation hereof.

Although we have provided these and a form that is easy to copy and edit, please note- these forms are purposefully in need of some edits and customizations to encourage users to reflect upon their own coaching policies and procedures when working with clients.

Below you will find samples of the following:

  • Coaching Agreement
  • Client Profile
  • Call Focus form
  • Authorization to release information

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